Ayan Electric, Inc.

Control Systems & Systems Integration

Services Old

  • System Integration

    Integrate you equipment. Tie it all together and control and monitor it from the same location or remotely. View your process over the internet.

  • Industrial Automation

    Still living in the dark ages? Time to catch up before it's too late. Automate your process, speed up your production, and increase your output.  All of these measures lead to an increase in your bottom line. Waiting to automate because you feel it is not necessary at this time could hurt you more than you could imagine. By the time you feel the pressure of being forced to automate it may be too late. Chances are your competition has already done so, reducing their overall production cost, increasing profit, passing on savings to his and YOUR customers,  and forcing you to play catch up.

  • Programmable Controls

    Programmable controllers are used in many applications including machine control, batch processing, conveyor systems and amusement rides.  We provide state of the art programmable controls combined with an HMI that gives you a window into the control application.

  • Custom Panel Building

    We will custom design and build (or build to your specifications) control panels for your needs. 

  • Documentation

    A comprehensive documentation package is provided that includes....

  • Programming

    Programming of Programmable logic controllers for many different applications including amusement rides, batch processing, conveyor systems and machine control. Graphics programming and touch screens.

  • Turnkey Systems

    We will design, build and install your control system eliminating the headache of coordination among designer, panel builder and electrician, saving you countless hours of time and reducing your overall cost.

  • Installation

    Ever experience an installation when the controls person blames the electrician while the electrician is blaming the controls person? We will install any system we or anybody else builds, thus eliminating the confusion which accompanies the installation of control systems. Our experience and professional service speeds up installation time and eliminates errors in wiring.